No Show Procedure

No Show Definitions by Modality

Lecture Courses: A student who fails to attend the first class or contact the instructor during the first full week (seven calendar days) of classes.

Online Courses: A student who fails to post on a discussion board, turn in an assignment, communicate with the instructor or perform an academically-related activity prior to the seventh calendar day of a semester. Note that logging into Canvas but not posting or participating does not constitute attendance according to the Department of Education.

Hybrid Courses: A student who fails to attend the first class, contact the instructor or perform an academically-related activity (see No Show – Online Courses) prior to the seventh calendar day of a semester.

Self-Paced Courses: A student who fails to complete the course orientation or submit at least one (1) assignment.

When an individual student does not attend an initial class meeting (refer to definitions by modality below), the instructor should send an email to indicating that the student did not attend. The instructor should include the student’s name, student ID (N number) and course reference number (CRN) in the email.

Upon receipt of a no show notification, Student Records will contact student to their information on record in the ERP informing them that they will be withdrawn in 24 hours if they do not respond. The instructor will be copied on the communication. If the student responds to Student Records and instructor with their intentions indicating they want to stay in class, nothing additional will be processed. If the student does not attend after indicating they wish to stay in the class, the instructor will inform Student Records.

In the event that the student does not respond or indicates they want to be withdrawn, Student Records will process the withdrawal. A student who is reported as a no show will be administratively withdrawn from the course receiving a grade of WN (withdrawal non-attendance) with a registration status of EN (no show). The grade of WN (withdrawal non-attendance) does not count in a student’s grade point average (GPA) calculation. Students who are reported as “no shows” will be processed as first day withdrawals according to WTCS guidelines. The College will adhere to all financial aid and Direct Loan guidelines as outlined in the Federal Student Aid Handbook and 34 CFR § 668.21. The College will also adhere to any applicable guidelines from the Department of Veterans Affairs (38 CFR 21.4203) and Wisconsin TCS 10.08.

The student will be notified in writing that the withdrawal has been processed. Staff will then contact the waitlist for that course (if applicable and approved by the Academic Dean).