Gifts and Awards

This policy applies to all student funded events where prizes are awarded, or gift cards/certificates are given, and to the awarding of gift cards by business units within the College. The intent of this policy is to provide clear guidelines regarding the awarding of prizes, gift cards and certificates, used as incentives for participation or attendance, or as tokens of accomplishment or achievement.

This policy provides clarification regarding the eligibility to award and receive prizes, gift cards and certificates. It also addresses policy regarding the purchase and storage of gift cards.

1) All students are eligible to win prizes, students are defined as any individual registered for a course and/or program at MPTC (Moraine Park Technical College), including Boot Camps, ELL (English Language Learner), Adult Education and LFI (Learning for Independence). Prizes for students in Boot Camps, ELL, Adult Education and LFI may be funded from a different source as they are non-student fee paying instructional activities.

2) College employees may participate in student events (unless noted otherwise) but are not eligible to win prizes at student events unless they are an enrolled student paying the student activity fee.

3) Campus walkers and members of the public are not eligible for prizes or gift cards/certificates. These groups may attend events but will be required to pay the advertised fee if wishing to have food.

4) Business units can purchase gift cards/certificates to award students as incentives for their participation and attendance, or as prizes during student events, or as a token of accomplishment and achievement. The funds source for these gift cards needs to be revenues from student fees or fund-raised money, as long as the fundraising literature states this. Purchases cannot be made from funds related to the tax levy, tuition or state aid. The Finance unit can be consulted for clarification.

5) Business units that purchase gift cards/certificates must safeguard, record and account for the disbursement and storage of gift cards/certificates.