Explores the modern approach to health and wellness that builds on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. Studies what makes us well along with the fundamentals of nutrition, fitness and exercise, as well as stress management. Considers the role of perspective on the healthcare choices consumers make. Prior to acceptance in the Health and Wellness program, Criminal Background Check required.
Relates nutrition to the total health of the individual. Explores food preparation and production in modern society and the impact of food choices on health. Examines the nutritional content of food and contemporary approaches to optimize health.
Presents a continuation of concepts learned in Natural Wellness Concepts (or Wellness, Health and Healing). Students will learn how to address nutritional needs, compare diets, design exercise programs, and use stress management techniques. (Prerequisite: 546-110 Natural Wellness Concepts or 546-100 Wellness, Health and Healing)
Examines the basis of personal training and fitness to include anatomy and physiology of exercise, nutrition, assessment and training. Builds an academic foundation for careers in the fitness industry, while preparing students for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification. (Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in 806-189 Basic Anatomy or 806-177 General Anatomy and Physiology)
Explores therapeutic procedures most common to chiropractic practice including essential theory as well as indications and contraindications for their use. Modalities include electrical muscle stimulation; ultrasound; thermotherapy; cryotherapy; light therapy; traction; and therapeutic exercise relating to stretching, strengthening and proprioception enhancement. Completion of Chiropractic Technician (546-124) and Chiropractic Radiologic Technician (546-128) will prepare students for Chiropractic Technician and Chiropractic Radiologic Technician Wisconsin Certifications.
Examines the application of strength training protocols along with group fitness training principles and practice. Builds the academic foundation for a career in group fitness training and personal strength training. Prepares students for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification and Group Fitness Instructor Certification examinations. Completion of Strength Training and Group Fitness and Fitness Testing and Prescription will prepare students for Personal Trainer Certification. (Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in 546-122 Theory and Practice of Fitness)
Explores x-ray physics for applications in x-ray production, x-ray safety and x-ray processing. Builds skill in positioning patients for x-ray views with emphasis placed on spinal and extremity osseous views. Students work with x-ray equipment to build skills and knowledge in preparation for taking diagnostic x-rays. Completion of Chiropractic Technician (546-124) and Chiropractic Radiologic Technician (546-128) will prepare students for Chiropractic Technician and Chiropractic Radiologic Technician Wisconsin Certifications.
Examines the advances in fitness testing to include body composition testing, cardiovascular testing, muscular strength and endurance testing, and flexibility testing. Explores fitness prescriptions with fitness testing follow-up to see what types of exercise prescriptions move clients in the direction of their goals. (Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in 546-122 Theory and Practice of Fitness)
Explores the art of gathering information about health, lifestyle and motivation through interviewing. Practical application of knowledge is applied to the interpersonal exchange between a wellness coach and client. Completion will prepare students for ACE Health Coach Certification. (Prerequisites: 546-120 Advanced Wellness Concepts; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in 546-134 Wellness Assessment Procedures Lab)
Presents procedures and techniques for assessing wellness. Students will learn how to take case histories and vital signs, conduct anthropomorphic measurements and evaluate wellness blood tests and stress. Students will develop and communicate comprehensive wellness report results to clients in the classroom in the lab setting. (Prerequisite: 546-120 Advanced Wellness Concepts)
Explores the practical issues related to wellness consulting including consulting agreements, session documentation, establishing motivational rapport, as well as information sharing and presentation. Students will learn strategies to powerfully lead wellness consultation sessions incorporating industry trends. (Prerequisite: Completion of or current enrollment in 546-134 Wellness Assessment Procedures Lab)
Explores health and wellness marketing and promotion in a variety of public and private settings. Develops skills in presentation and social media marketing and promotion to enhance the lives of individuals and communities. (Prerequisite: 546-120 Advanced Wellness Concepts)
Provides students with internship experience in health and wellness settings to include organizational assistance, marketing and promotion, and client services. Student will work with the course instructor to establish the internship location that best fits their career goals. (Prerequisites: Chiropractic Technician Certification: 546-124 Chiropractic Technician; 546-128 Chiropractic Radiologic Technician. Personal Trainer Certification: 546-122 Theory and Practice of Fitness; 546-126 Strength Training and Group Fitness; 546-136 Wellness Consultation; First aid and BLS/CPR needs to be completed before taking this class)