Military Students Activation Orders

This procedure outlines the process for a deployment related leave for military students at Moraine Park Technical College. This procedure applies to students who are deployed for service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority.

Moraine Park Technical College maintains compliance with 34 CFR 668.18 and 2019 Wisconsin Act 75. Students who are deployed for service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority, or are requested to duty for state or federal emergencies are given full refunds when applicable and provided priority readmission.

In accordance with 2019 Wisconsin Act 75, if a student who is a member of a national guard or a member of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces withdraws from school because he or she is called into state active duty or into active service with the U.S. armed forces, the college shall do all of the following:

  •  Ensure that the student is provided a reasonable opportunity to complete final projects and final examinations for all courses in which the scheduled end date of the course is not more than 30 days after the date of the order calling the student into active duty or service unless such an accommodation cannot be reasonably made.
  •  At the student’s request, do one of the following for all courses from which the student had to withdraw:

1. Reimburse the student all tuition and fees paid for all the courses.

2. Reenroll the student beginning in the semester in which he or she is discharged, demobilized, or deactivated from active duty or the next succeeding semester, whichever the student prefers.

3. Give the student the same priority in registering for courses that the student would have had if he or she had registered for courses at the beginning of the registration period.

Students must contact their instructors, Academic Advisor and Veterans Certifying Official to inform them of the potential leave as soon as possible after receipt of Military Activation Orders. Students must complete and submit the Appeal to the Withdrawal/Refund Policy Form and attach a copy of their Military Activation Orders.