Overaward Policy

Overaward Policy

An overaward is financial aid that exceeds a student’s financial need or cost of attendance. Cost of attendance is
the cost we have estimated for students to attend Moraine Park. The total amount of financial aid offered may
not exceed a student’s cost of attendance. No student may exceed the total amount of all aid/resources for any
given academic year. When a student receives aid, Moraine Park is required to follow all regulations associated
to financial aid.
When the Financial Aid Office identifies an over award, adjustments will be made to the student’s award to ensure compliance with regulations. When allowable, self-help aid, such as loans and work-study offers, are adjusted before grant or scholarship aid is affected. If an overaward occurs after aid has been disbursed, the student may be required to repay all or a portion of their financial aid to Moraine Park.