Financial Aid Offer Basics

Eligibility Requirements

To be offered federal, state, or institutional funds administered by Moraine Park’s Financial Aid Office, you must:

  • File a FAFSA each year.
  • Must have completed admission to MPTC in an aid eligible program.
    • Please select your classes carefully. You must be accepted into an aid eligible program and have completed registration for classes according to the state-approved curriculum in order to receive financial aid. If you need help, contact your Academic Advisor
  • Have a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Have a valid Social Security Number.
  • Not be in default on a student loan. Review your federal loans at
  • Not owe an overpayment on any federal (Title IV) aid
  • Meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards as defined by the Financial Aid Office
  • Not be delinquent on court-ordered child support and/or maintenance (this applies only to State of Wisconsin-controlled grants).
  • Certify that you will use student aid only for educational purposes
  • Students with criminal convictions may be eligible, but must work with their correctional institution and the MPTC College Navigator for further eligibility. Federal law requires students to inform the Financial Aid Office of their incarceration.

All financial aid is contingent on the availability of funds. Apply early to receive the best offer.

Financial Aid Offer

Financial Aid is intended to help bridge the gap between the cost of attending Moraine Park and the resources you and your family are expected to contribute.

Your Financial Aid offer:

  • Lists the types of aid and the amounts of funds you are eligible to receive for the aid year.
  • Is based on full time enrollment:
    • If you enroll in less credits or drop classes prior to the date of record and your eligibility for financial aid changes, your aid will be revised (see section on disbursement for more information) to the new credit level.
  • Uses the most current information available regarding your grade level, enrollment status, housing plans and academic progress.
  • Eligibility may change if the criteria used to calculate the financial aid offer was inaccurate or has changed.
  • Is contingent upon available federal, state, outside agency and/or college funding sources.

If, at any time, Moraine Park receives notification that your eligibility for a fund changes, your financial aid offer will be revised and all previous offers will be considered void.

There are two types of financial aid and students will be offered a combination of the following:

  • Gift Aid - Includes grants and scholarships, which do not have to be repaid or earned through work.
  • Self-Help Aid - Includes loans that must be repaid and work-study funds that must be earned by working.